Our Little Family

Our Little Family
Photos taken by Tammy Chavies Photography

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Social Worker Visit 1 & 2

Visit One 9/9 (Logan's Birthday)

On Sunday 9/8 during the Opening Game of the Chicago Bears (Thats a big deal in our house), I had noticed our carpet was wet downstairs.  Unfortunately, the wet carpet only continued to get worse and after a while I checked our utility closet in the basement.  Yup, flooded with water.  I frantically called a sweet man from our church and left him a message, praying he would make it out in the morning.  He did...and it was a broken Water Heater :(   He worked so diligently to make sure the new water heater was installed before the social worker got here.  He actually was loading tools back up in his truck when the social worker arrived.  Phew!  We are SO Very Thankful he was able to provide for our need in such a quick manner.

I spent the whole day cleaning, organizing, and making sure all household chemicals were put up high (per our required sheet).  Our house looked amazing. . . I thought the social worker was going to go through our house and do a pre safety audit as she had mentioned to me on the phone.  Unfortunately, she simply just talked with us at the kitchen table and said she'd do that on our next visit.  All that cleaning for nothing!

Our social worker is sweet. She came in so relaxed and really made me 'feel at home' in my own home. :)   I really like her and I know that she will be such an awesome part of this journey. She will be with us until our adoption is finalized. 6 months after placement.  She didn't have too many questions to ask.  She talked to us about our motivation to adopt and how our families felt about our decision.  She stayed a little over two hours and then left.

Sometimes we wake up in the morning and the day just doesn't go as planned.  And well, thats okay.  I remind myself often my happiness lies in the Lord and He is Always with us!

Visit Two 9/26

I made sure our house was spotless again and even managed to go for a walk in the afternoon with a friend and her two sweet little ones. I wasn't nearly as nervous for this visit.  She interviewed each of us one on one.  She simply went through the 13 page questionnaire we had previously filled out and asked us questions about things she felt we really didn't answer well enough.  Lets say I answered the questions and Logan, well he wrote a paper for each question.  She joked with me and said she was gonna have the psychologist look at his because he wrote so much! :)   We had a lot of fun with her on Thursday.  She spent about an hour with me and maybe 25 minutes interviewing Logan.  Since he wrote so much she didn't have much to ask him.  She has a huge document that she needs to write up about us (thats whats called the home study) and she uses our questionnaires to type up her paper.

She walked through our home.  She really didn't look at anything, she didn't open my closets and see how organized they were like I thought she would. She simple walked through it, and then flushed the toilets and turned faucets on...kind of funny. She said its to make sure we have running water.

Homestudy approved by November 3rd is the goal.  She has 30 days from her last visit to complete the home study.  Wow!  It seems to have gone so fast!  Once we are approved we are simply waiting for our child.  How awesome and exciting is that!!

We are giving God the glory for how smooth the process has gone.  We will continue to praise Him and make him a complete part of this process.

1 comment:

  1. It's so neat to hear this story! It just brings me to tears, honestly. God is really going to bless you through this. And who knows how many lives along the way he will touch through this!
