Our Little Family

Our Little Family
Photos taken by Tammy Chavies Photography

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Doctors Appointment

Sweet Baby Profile

On Wednesday I had the privilege of taking our Birth Mom out for lunch and then to her ultrasound appointment.  This was so sweet for me as I've never seen this before and loved every minute of watching the baby flip around and wave inside momma's tummy.  Everything went well with the appointment and baby is growing great! We also were able to find out the gender.  She had originally told us she didn't want to know but then she changed her mind.

Its a Boy! 

I had good time with the Birth Mom.  I felt as if conversation flowed well.  She is a sweet girl.
While my time with her was great its emotionally exhausting for me.  A million things run through my mind when I am with her. I don't want to say the wrong thing, ask the wrong question, come across the wrong way, etc.  I told Logan last night if I'm this exhausted after just spending 4 hours with her i'm not sure how i'll be while she's in labor and we wait the 72 hrs after birth for her to give up parental rights and court hearing.  I know the Lord will give me strength, both mentally and physically.
We're so excited to be adopting.  Please keep praying for our birth mom.  She has a very hard situation, both with the adoption and in life.  We are so happy to support her and help her in any way we can and one way we know we can help her is through prayer.

Here is a few more pictures of baby.  His sweet little foot, and then his hand and foot.  We love having pictures of him.